Glyph Update (2)
I enjoy the stat/skill tree diagrams of lots of nerdy the past I've never been able to find a way to sync up these systems with the occult. of now.....I feel I'm getting closer to designing flow charts based on core "Powers" and the resulting "Arcana". The 4 Basic powers which have "authority" over the 4 layers of reality are: -Light (celestial) -Liminal (astral) -Draconic (physical) -Shadow (underworld) If you wanted to make a "Skill Tree" of occult training, you could take these 4 powers and then plug the previously posted arcana into each of them, then create further division via each arcana. The amount of layered systems you could create within this design are exceptionally profound. All that being said....I'm still quite lost when it comes to designing the physical glyph and how to integrate all this tech. Back to the grindstone. 👀