Stepping in Poo: An Essay on Non-Dual Ethics In my younger years of study…..I frustratingly contemplated good/bad and when and when not to apply spiritual tech. No system of beliefs or values every seemed to present a cohesive method for decision making. If you poke long enough at moral ideologies….you eventually find some cracks. After many years in the field, experimenting and slinging sorcerous tech…..I’ve come to some simple approaches, regarding how to practically “handle oneself” on a spiritual and sorcery level. This approach is non-dual and uninterested in moral frameworks, but rather focuses on the notion of “Stepping in Poo”. What I mean by “Stepping in Poo”… applying sorcerous tech or moving through reality, in a way that turns your life into a “mess”. We’ve all meet people…usually baby wizards who go around slinging curses, love spells summoning demons, and consuming psychedelics en masse, without any understanding of the long term implications....
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