Structuring Praxis Pt 1

 The first several posts will be me migrating old forum posts here.  I've written a lot over on the occult forum...but I'll only be importing the more formal posts.

Shadow Offloading

A dynamic that I haven't seen discussed much, is the relationship between Shadow and Upper Planes (Qlippoth vs Tree, Underworld vs Above....etc) My initial foundation in occultism, came from energy cultivation....and it surprises me that the overt mechanics between these 2 aspects of the Microcosm/Macrocosm, were never a lack of harmony between the 2 overarching spheres, can cause severe harm. Shadow being the aspect of self below the feet and the Upper Planes being all dimensions Feet and Above.

The following are 2 general rules of thumb, I've pieced together based on my experiences.

1. Shadow cultivation (cleansing, healing, opening channels....etc) increases calm and stability in the Upper. (physical, etheric, astral...etc)
2. Tree cultivation, done regularly without paying attention to the Shadow Dimensions.....will eventually cause Imbalance.

I first came to understand the Shadow through doing healing work for others...people with addictions, temperamental challenges and having chronic issues, with there life, "falling apart"....I noticed that imbalances in the shadow were routinely a factor needing address. I would later learn, that by doing intensive upper world cultivation and building internal eventually create a counter-swing in the Underworld/Shadow that needs addressing. From a mechanical perspective, you can look at it as the + and - poles of a battery. If you don't address both spheres....your path will plateau and you'll be unable to grow further.

Ultimately, the point of this post, is to say that....this is a relationship or dimension of praxis....that should be kept in mind and checked in on every once in awhile. If you ignore this will bite you in the ass....hard....and will not release its grip until you make the adjustments.

The only occult source I've seen mention this dynamic, is of the "Darker" quality via The Temple of the Ascending Flame. In "Visions of the Night Side" by Asenath Mason...they mention that those whom pursue Qliphothic training have an easier time when it comes to approaching higher "energetic states".

"An initiate of the Tree of Life, where all seems coherent and logical, and the path leads from one concrete point to another, will be confronted with the Qliphoth when they reach the Abyss. Until then the map seems clear........Then, while preparing to ascend to the highest triad on the tree, Binah (Understanding), Chokmah (Wisdom) and Kether (Crown), the adept is suddenly thrown into the Abyss to confront their personal darkness, the Shadow within. There we will have to face everything we have ever rejected, repressed, or refused to notice. All of it, with no exceptions, and all at the same time.

This is a harsh and traumatic ordeal, and actually, there are very few accounts of magicians who succeeded in this initiatory test. It is the direct experience of the Void, the tremendous, infinite force that exists as the timeless ocean, containing all worlds and universe, destroying them in every moment and creating anew. For the adept of the Qliphotic path, the experience of the Abyss is believed to be less traumatic, and we are better prepared for what awaits us there, as we confront, conquer and absorb our personal Shadow on each successive level of the path."
(Visions of the Nightside, pg 15)

My understanding of the reason why it is easier for people whom have done lots of Shadow work to approach higher energetic states, is pointed to in the title of this post: Shadow Offloading.

When your Shadow is in proper relation with the Upper Worlds and you approach mystical states that set the body aflame.....the power that hits your system, which it cannot endure for long....will be naturally offloaded through the feet and into the Shadow. The Shadow by its infinite in its capacity absorb and circulate power....while the Upper-Planes of our Microcosm can be easily overloaded. Additionally, by doing regular shadow work, you allow the Upper Planes to become denser and have a stronger capacity to handle ecstatic states and everyday training.

While this topic does flow into advance spheres of training and is less relavant to beginners....that doesn't prevent the noob from getting bent over a barrel and screwed by latent imbalances (there's so much that can go wrong). Take the time and check in on potential issues in this area....even for those just starting off.....dig holes...and create a stable foundation for the path forward.

A couple other sources I've noted that make allusions to this principal:

-"My adepts stand upright; their head above the heavens, their feet below the hells." Aleister Crowley

-It's said that when you complete Knowledge and Conversation with your the next step your forced to summon Demons of hell in order to bind and bring those forces into alignment with your Kingdom. I believe this is due to similar concerns of balancing the above and below.

For those whom it may interest, Frater Archer does a brief intro to the Qliphoth at the link below and I highly recommend Visions of the Nightside, quite a good bit gnosis in that book. In the future I may have to purchase there book on the Qliphoth. The realm of the Shadow is one of the most unexplored aspects of the current Occulture.....and its my opinion, that there are innumerable treasures waiting to be discovered in its dark recesses. Keep diving, keep exploring.

-That's all for now, I hope this post was useful in giving some tips/trick for orienting praxis. Cheers. 

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