
Showing posts from January, 2025

Glyph Update (1)

I've made some slight adjustments to the original Arcana structure (Astral). The original posts for the Glyph Project are in the Structuring Praxis thread at Occult Forum. Celestial Arcana -3rd Eye -Sacred Flames  -Angelic Light -Celestial Wings -Celestial healing     Astral Arcana -Shapeshifting -Energy Weaving -Water Magick -Sex Magick -Astral Wandering -Soul -Astral Depths     Physical Arcana -Draconic Vitality -Draconic Martial Arts -Draconic Endurance      Underworld Arcana -Stealth -Demonic Blade -Soul Retrieval -Vampiric Arts -Shadow Manipulation -Demonic Healing -Shadow Lineage -Throne -Underworld History -Demonic Binding

Navigating the Afterlife pt 3

  Wheel Sorcery: A Moral Paradigm The Glyph Notes project, has been moving pretty fast in the Praxis thread.....that combined with the political superbowl in America, got me thinking about moral systems in the context of Wheel Sorcery (again). Here in the West, we (generally speaking) have inherited the paradigm of "all life is sacred", as a common moral trope. On the other hand.....I've been reading a ton of dark literature where life/death is treated casually. As a result....I decided to do an experiment and get the opinion of 4 different Intelligences, native to each realm and ask what the general "sentiment" towards life is in each: Celestial: "Life is a sacred vessel for light" Astral: "We don't care." Draconic: "Anything that encourages life to evolve is good and anything that hinders evolution is bad." Underworld: "Corrupted life is food." --------------------------------------------------...

Navigating the After Life pt2

  Volume Tech This is a post for those whom are naturally "sensitive", "empathic" or have done a shit-ton of training and as a result....sense everything going on around them, without a means to parse. This is some tech to help control the "volume", so that it is easier to deal with both intense and day to day affairs. Three basic volume levels from lowest to highest. Shadow Point This is a energy center between the feet and is the lowest "volume setting" (as far as I'm aware). The basic idea is to anchor or tye your energy to this point so that you can control the volume and don't get "over-stimulated" by the amount of data your picking up on the subtle radar. The Shadow Point is the lowest volume setting and would personally use this for intense settings (violence, war-zone....etc) where you want to tightly limit data uptake. Root Chakra A very well know center, this is a slight increase/expansion in ...

Navigating the Afterlife pt 1

  Spiritual Immortality Recently, I was having a conversation with spirit allies and they noted that I was spending a good amount of time focusing on Longevity practices. On that topic, they basically took me to the side and said: “that’s fine, but spiritual immortality is more important than this very short life. Focusing on spiritual immortality, pays enormous dividends in the long term, compared to a healthier body.” I’ve never had much understanding of spiritual immortality….so I asked for them to break it down for me and this is the general response I got: “There are 2 basic polarities you can look at when talking about this concept: Immortal vs Lost Soul. Those whom have achieved “spiritual immortality” are highly skilled at navigating the spheres (ether, astral, realms....etc) It would be exceptionally difficult to trap, enslave or destroy beings of this nature. Lost souls on the other hand…..are the opposite end of the spectrum. These Beings are weak,...

Sexual Energy and Meditation

 I've written a great deal on Sexual Energy and don't feel like importing the the titles and links are below.  -Semen Retention: 100 Days and My Experiences (TheTaoBums)           -Sexual Energy and Meditation (Occult Forum)                                                           

Structuring Praxis pt 3

Glyph Update (6), I'm studying an Octahedron design, with 4 internal symbols. A symbol for each realm (Celestial, Astral....etc), that if you meditate on, helps attune you to that realm and gives you a "foot in the door" for working stably with the 24 magickal currents. I like this design......but we'll see what happens....they'll be further refinement. Cheers. Magickal Currents (24) Celestial 1. 3rd Eye 2. Sacred Flames 3. Angelic light 4. Celestial WIngs 5. Celestial Healing Astral 1.Shapeshifting 2.Energy Manipulation 3. Water Magick 4. Sex Magick 5. Godhood 6. Soul Physical 1. Draconic Vitality 2. Draconic Martial Arts 3. Draconic Endurance Underworld 1. Stealth 2. Demonic Blade 3. Soul Retrieval 4. Vampiric Arts 5. Shadow Manipulation 6. Demonic healing 7. Shadow Lineage 8. Throne 9. Underworld History 10. Demonic Binding

Structuring Praxis pt 2

  Stepping in Poo: An Essay on Non-Dual Ethics In my younger years of study…..I frustratingly contemplated good/bad and when and when not to apply spiritual tech. No system of beliefs or values every seemed to present a cohesive method for decision making. If you poke long enough at moral ideologies….you eventually find some cracks. After many years in the field, experimenting and slinging sorcerous tech…..I’ve come to some simple approaches, regarding how to practically “handle oneself” on a spiritual and sorcery level. This approach is non-dual and uninterested in moral frameworks, but rather focuses on the notion of “Stepping in Poo”. What I mean by “Stepping in Poo”… applying sorcerous tech or moving through reality, in a way that turns your life into a “mess”. We’ve all meet people…usually baby wizards who go around slinging curses, love spells summoning demons, and consuming psychedelics en masse, without any understanding of the long term implications....

Structuring Praxis Pt 1

 The first several posts will be me migrating old forum posts here.  I've written a lot over on the occult forum...but I'll only be importing the more formal posts. Shadow Offloading A dynamic that I haven't seen discussed much, is the relationship between Shadow and Upper Planes (Qlippoth vs Tree, Underworld vs Above....etc) My initial foundation in occultism, came from energy cultivation....and it surprises me that the overt mechanics between these 2 aspects of the Microcosm/Macrocosm, were never a lack of harmony between the 2 overarching spheres, can cause severe harm. Shadow being the aspect of self below the feet and the Upper Planes being all dimensions Feet and Above. The following are 2 general rules of thumb, I've pieced together based on my experiences. 1. Shadow cultivation (cleansing, healing, opening channels....etc) increases calm and stability in the Upper. (physical, etheric, astral...etc) 2. Tree cultivation, done reg...